12 March 2025
It is with profound sadness that the STIMULATE-ICP team reflects on the loss of Ondine Sherwood who passed away on 11 March 2025. Ondine was a highly valued colleague and friend of the STIMULATE team from its very inception and served as an active and supportive member of our Trial Steering Committee throughout.
We celebrate the remarkable legacy Ondine leaves behind; as co-founder and CEO of Long Covid SOS, Ondine advocated relentlessly for those affected by Long Covid and did all she could to raise awareness of Long Covid at every opportunity. From meetings with the WHO to engaging with media and testifying at the UK Covid Inquiry, Ondine was a driving force in the Long Covid space internationally.
We extend our deepest condolences to Ondine's family and friends including her much loved team at Long Covid SOS. She will be missed dearly by us all. You can read the full statement from Long Covid SOS via this link: https://www.longcovidsos.org/post/ondine-sherwood
3 March 2025
New Guardian piece details the millions of people still suffering with debilitating Long Covid symptoms five years on from the start of the pandemic. Dr Mel Heightman, Co-Chief investigator of STIMULATE-ICP and clinical lead of the UCLH Long Covid Service, shares her experiences and comments on the political tendency to want to 'forget' and move on from the pandemic. Read the full article:
5 February 2025
STIMULATE-ICP's Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement team members have shared a new update video. After more than four years of Long Covid in some cases, our team talk about their experiences to date and give an update on where they are as of February 2025:
28 November 2024
STIMULATE-ICP's new paper published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, found that long Covid can double a patient’s cost to the health service. Dr Yi Mu, joint first author with Dr Ashkan Dashtban, speaks to the Daily Mail and the Independenton the economic and human cost of Long Covid.
29 September 2024
The Daily Mail reports on the closure of many Long Covid clinics across the UK, leaving people living with Long Covid without vital treatment. Rachel Hext, patient advisor to STIMULATE-ICP, discusses the closure of her nearest Long Covid clinic in Torbay, Devon. The article is available here: How the closure of long Covid clinics is leaving patients without the treatment they desperately need | Daily Mail Online
21 August 2024
STIMULATE-ICP's Dr Melissa Heightman joins BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour to discuss Long Covid and latest treatments and research. You can listen here from 18mins 8secs : https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m00224gq
8 August 2024
Our new publication (Journal of Infection) led by Professor Christina van der Feltz-Cornelis and Dr Han-I Wang is the first study to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of clinically confirmed long-COVID in the general population. We found that around 7.4% of individuals with COVID had at least one long-COVID symptom that required medical attention, and the highest proportion of long-COVID cases (22.7%) were observed among the non-hospitalised COVID individuals. You can read the full article here: https://www.journalofinfection.com/article/S0163-4453(24)00169-5/fulltext
31 July 2024
As of end of July 2024, STIMULATE-ICP is no longer recruiting new participants to its clinical trial. A huge thank you to everyone who has agreed to take part. We are hugely grateful for your contribution to the study, which is so valuable in building a much-needed evidence base to help everyone living with Long Covid. It is essential for all participants to be followed up for 6 months after starting treatment - thank you for your on-going commitment to the study.
We anticipate that results will be available and shared via this website in early 2025.
1 July 2024
STIMULATE-ICP's Prof. Nisreen Alwan and Dr Donna Clutterbuck have co-authored an article in BJGP Life: "Long COVID: Why are people still struggling to access care?." The article references the Long Covid Care Support Tool which was developed by findings from STIMULATE-ICP and the Hi-COVE study: https://long-covid-care.org.uk
You can read the article here:
27 June 2024
A new publication (International Journal of Infectious Diseases) led by Professor Banerjee and team shows the impact of vaccinations and cardiovascular drugs on hospitalisation and mortality in COVID 19 and Long Covid. Highlights:
You can read the article here:
1 May 2024
A new study undertaken by a team lead by STIMULATE-ICP's Christina van der Feltz-Cornelis at the University of York, suggests that 28% of people who catch COVID-19 will go on to live with Long COVID and its symptoms. Read more here: https://www.york.ac.uk/news-and-events/news/2024/research/long-covid-fog/
21 March 2024
STIMULATE-ICP's Professor Nisreen Alwan has appeared on Al Jazeera discussing Long Covid, along with Long Covid researcher, Dr Mark Faghy, and a person living with Long Covid.
15 March 2024
Long Covid SOS, friends of STIMULATE-ICP, have created a Bill of Rights for everyone living with Long Covid. The charity is calling on the government, NHS England and research funders to guarantee five basic rights for people with Long Covid symptoms, and there is a petition to support it and a template letter to send to your MP on their website too: https://www.longcovidsos.org/
15 March 2024
Today 15th March 2024 marks International Long Covid Awareness Day. Work continues on the STIMULATE-ICP Study; the trial is ongoing and will carry on recruiting people with Long Covid to the study until July 2024. The trial is testing drugs, and in some locations, components of an “integrated care pathway”, including comprehensive MRI scanning and rehabilitation approaches. If you are interested in taking part, please see: https://stimulate-icp.org/faq
To date we have recruited over 1180 people to the study across 12 Long Covid clinics in England and Scotland. In addition we have completed the following "non-trial" aspects of the study:
You can see our full list of outputs on our website: https://www.stimulate-icp.org/publications
Professor Amitava Banerjee and Dr Melissa Heightman, STIMULATE-ICP Co-chief investigators, and Mag L, patient representative and trial participant, give a video update on the study:
15 March 2024
A website to support people living with Long Covid is being launched on Long Covid Awareness Day led by STIMULATE team member Professor Nisreen Alwan at University of Southampton, who has first-hand experience of the condition. The online tool offers a symptom checker, advice on seeking support, and encourages people to talk about their symptoms with professionals, friends and family. It will be live at
from Friday 15 March 2024, the second annual International Long Covid Awareness Day.
06 February 2024
BBC Radio 4 Inside Health visits the UK's first long Covid clinic at University College London Hospitals NHS Trust, and STIMULATE-ICP lead, to investigate "Why recovering from long Covid is a lot like training for the Olympics". Dr Melissa Heightman and Dr Emma Wall give an insight into the clinic from its beginning in a van in the hospital carpark to the specialist service run today, and look at the clinical and research challenges of the disease.
You can listen to the episode here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001vzy9
15 December 2023
The House of Lords Integration of Primary and Community Care Committee has published its report 'Patients at the centre: integrating primary and community care', which was contributed to by STIMULATE-ICP's Delphi team, led by Professor Christina van der Feltz- Cornelis at the University of York. The report highlights the need for a "seamlessly integrated patient-centric healthcare sector where patients are given the type of care they need, when, where, and how they need it."
You can read the full report here: https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld5804/ldselect/ldcareint/18/18.pdf (PDF)
A summary of the report and alternative formats can be found here: https://committees.parliament.uk/committee/649/integration-of-primary-and-community-care-committee/news/198938/integration-is-key-to-health-service-improvement-says-lords-committee/
6 December 2023
Patient and public representative to STIMULATE-ICP, Antony Loveless, speaks to Hugh Pym on the BBC News on his own lived experiences of Long Covid, and reflects on Boris Johnson's testimony during the UK Covid Inquiry.
4 December 2023
Dr Han-I-Wang of University of York has been awarded the best poster award for her presentation of research entitled, "Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Characterization of Individuals with Long COVID Using Electronic Health Records in Over 1.5 Million COVID Cases in England" at the the 2023 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research conference. The preprint can be found here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4515876
27 November 2023
The BBC reports on experiences of people living with Long Covid in the UK following the Covid-19 Inquiry last month. Professor Danny Altman references STIMULATE-ICP; read the story here:
11 October 2023
As of October 2023, we are opening the trial to people with long COVID, regardless of when their long COVID started and whether they have previously sought treatment in long COVID services. In the sites where we are recruiting, a member of our study team will contact potential participants about the trial after referral to the clinic. Please speak to your GP about referral to your nearest Long COVID clinic/Post Covid Service.
To find out more, please see our patient-led video discussing the latest updates:
as well as further information on our FAQs page:
13th October 2023
Team members Ondine Sherwood, Co-founder of Long Covid SOS, and Dr Rachael Evans, University of Leicester have given evidence to the UK Covid Inquiry.
Links to statements:
https://covid19.public-inquiry.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/13171432/INQ000280198.pdf (Dr Evans)
https://www.covid19.public-inquiry.uk/documents/inq000280196-witness-statement-of-ondine-sherwood-on-behalf-of-long-covid-sos-dated-25-09-2023/ (Ondine Sherwood on behalf of Long Covid SOS)
3 September 2023
STIMULATE-ICP and other Long Covid Studies in the UK risk running out of funds due to delays at the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. STIMULATE-ICP's Professor Amitava Banerjee and Dr Emma Wall are quoted in the Financial Times.
Link to Article: https://www.ft.com/content/8ef390b4-2d57-42fa-9ac6-88c08307eade
8 June 2023
STIMULATE-ICP's Delphi team at University of York have contributed to a UK Parliament Integration of primary and community care Inquiry.
PDF: https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/120467/pdf/
18 March 2023
STIMULATE-ICP's Professor Christina Van Der-Feltz-Cornelis and Professor David Strain have published a new article in Viruses, "Neurological Dysfunction in Long COVID Should Not Be Labelled as Functional Neurological Disorder":
Website: https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/15/3/783
PDF: https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/15/3/783/pdf
28 February 2023
STIMULATE-ICP's Dr Emma Wall discusses the trial with Natasha Loder, health editor of The Economist in this BBC World Service interview: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3ct56hd
28 February 2023
STIMULATE-ICP's team of patient advisors have today published an entirely patient-led, designed and written e-book detailing their experiences of living with Long Covid: Stolen Lives: The Reality of Living with Long Covid: https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/stolen-lives-reality-living-long-covid-coronavirus-anxiety-gp/153867/
The full e-book can be downloaded here.
24 February 2023
Professor Banerjee discusses STIMULATE-ICP with Jackie Baxter on the Long Covid podcast: They talk about the study design, patient involvement and how to participate in the study: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1835170/12209909
15 February 2023
STIMULATE-ICP new publication in PLOS ONE: STIMULATE-ICP: A pragmatic, multi-centre, cluster randomised trial of an integrated care pathway with a nested, Phase III, open label, adaptive platform randomised drug trial in individuals with Long COVID: A structured protocol: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0272472
30 November 2022
STIMULATE-ICP's Delphi Study Protocol has been published in PLOS ONE
(Symptoms, Trajectory, Inequalities and Management: Understanding Long-COVID to Address and Transform Existing Integrated Care Pathways Delphi): Study protocol
18 November 2022
STIMULATE-ICP's Mel Heightman discusses Long Covid and STIMULATE-ICP with the BBC:
1 November 2022
STIMULATE-ICP's Patient and public representative panel have a very open discussion regarding the financial burden of long covid on the individual and society:
13 October 2022
Patients share their testimony in the Guardian and Prof. Ami Banerjee discusses patient safety and unproven "cures" in the Long Covid space: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/oct/13/long-covid-patient-testimony?CMP=share_btn_tw
11 October 2022
Professor Ami Banerjee and patient advisor Antony discuss the STIMULATE-ICP study on BBC Lancashire this morning. The clinical trial is being led by University of Central Lancashire Clinical Trials Unit. Listen from 2hr:09min:58 secs: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0d1ymdw
As part of the Delphi Study, Survey 2 is now open for responses. You can contribute to this survey if you are a patient with Long COVID or another long-term condition, or if you are a clinician providing treatment for Long COVID or another long-term condition https://york.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_1LF6AeRx6r4Gjum
4 October 2022
Members of the STIMULATE-ICP Team discuss the study and lessons learnt beyond the COVID-19 pandemic in
Open Access Government.
26 August 2022
Long Covid active case finding: a co-produced community-based pilot within the STIMULATE-ICP study
19 August 2022
Antony and Clare, patient advisors on the STIMULATE-ICP Study, feature in the Sunday Times via Antony's YouTube channel and on the Times website (paywall).
16 August 2022
New Study Protocol Published in PLOS ONE:
Defining usual care and examining inequalities in Long Covid support
25 July 2022
A pragmatic, multi-centre, cluster randomised trial of an integrated care pathway with a nested, Phase III, open label, adaptive platform randomised drug trial in Long Covid:
a structured protocol
13 July 2022
Patient representative Kim discusses the evaluation of Long Covid care which forms part of the STIMULATE-ICP study in our latest
patient video. Joining her are chief investigator, Professor Ami Banerjee and mixed methods researcher Dr Mel Ramaswamy at UCL's Institute of Health Informatics.
13 July 2022
STIMULATE-ICP new publication in pre-print: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.05.06.22274658v1
STIMULATE-ICP's Prof Paula Lorgelly, Professor of Health Economics discusses Long COVID in the latest briefing by Independent SAGE.
As part of the Delphi Study, Survey 1 is now open for responses. You can contribute to this survey if you are a patient with Long COVID or another long-term condition, or if you are a clinician providing treatment for Long COVID or another long-term condition: https://york.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eaPn3BgzBTrtEk6.
Professor Christina Van Der Feltz-Cornelis discusses STIMULATE-ICP and the Delphi Study on BBC Radio York: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p0bvmfth at 2:09:39
Work is underway on the Delphi project which is a sub-study of the STIMULATE-ICP project. Please see the Delphi Project page for further information. A link to the survey will be published very soon.
New paper in pre-print:
Multi-organ impairment and Long COVID: a 1-year prospective, longitudinal cohort study
Prof. Amitava Banerjee discusses why Long Covid is the UK's next health crisis in a panel of experts hosted by
The Independent.
Full time, Closing date: 17th Nov 2021 Find out more
Full time, Closing date: 14th January 2022 Find out more